Thieves Household Cleaner

Have you ever wished you could have just one bottle of cleaner under your kitchen sink? There would be no need for a caddy full of products to clean all of the different surfaces in your house. I have good news – this is totally possible with Thieves Household Cleaner.

Thieves Household Cleaner is Young Living’s plant-based all-purpose cleaner. It’s free of harsh chemicals and smells amazing. Thieves Household Cleaner is a concentrate so one bottle will last for months, even if you’re an obsessive cleaner with three messy kids like me!

It’s very cost effective. If you’re a member and get the wholesale discount, a 14 oz. bottle is $22.50 wholesale. You can make 29 16 oz. spray bottles of cleaner from one 14 oz. bottle. That’s less than $1 a bottle! The best thing about this cleaner is it’s safe to use around your kids. Give them a spray bottle of cleaner and have them help you clean!

Young Living has a Thieves Premium Starter Kit. Premium Starter kits are the best way to get started and the biggest bang for your buck. Once you grab a kit, you can order any essential oils or products at wholesale prices! I’ll add you to an amazing Facebook group where you will have access to recipes and other educational material. To order a Thieves Premium Starter kit, click on the button below, select member, and then click on other premium kits.


Here are 20 of my favorite ways to use Thieves Household Cleaner:

1.Clean stainless steel appliances

2. Clean counters tops

3. Clean windows

4. Clean mirrors

5.Clean sinks

6. Clean toilets

7. Clean and wipe down toys

8. Clean ovens

9. Clean stovetops

10. Clean showers

11. Spot clean carpets

12. Clean microwave

13. Clean the inside of your car

14. Mop all types of floors

15. Spot treat stains on clothes

16. Wipe down walls

17. Clean baseboards

18. Clean wood furniture

19. Clean refrigerator

20. Make laundry soap


Seven years ago, I started a mission to rid my home of harsh ingredients. I decided to replace one product at a time. I was thrilled to find Thieves Household Cleaner because it made switching to natural cleaning products easy. Thieves Household Cleaner is plant-based, ultra-concentrated, and non-abrasive. It’s made with only natural ingredients and…

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