Wellness Boost

I love adding essential oils to glass roll-on bottles because I can toss them in my bag and apply them anywhere and I don’t have to worry about making a mess. Applying this roller has become part of our morning routine, especially during the winter months when all the germs are being shared. This little roller is packed with so much immune-boosting goodness that you’re going to want to stop scrolling to go make it. Thieves, Oregano and Frankincensense essential oils are immune stimulants. Thieves essential oil was used by thieves in England to protect them from the plague, which is how it got it’s name. Pretty cool, huh?

Oregano essential oil has a strong smell. If you prefer to omit the oregano, you’ll still end up with an amazing immune-boosting roller.

The best place to apply essential oils is your wrists, the back of your neck or the bottoms of your feet. These are the fastest absorbing parts of your body. If you have a child who is sensitive to smell, apply essential oils to the bottoms of their feet. Okay now for the recipe.

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Wellness Boost


  • 10 Drops Thieves Essential Oil
  • 10 Drops Frankincense Essential Oil
  • 5 Drops Oregano Essential Oil (optional)
  • Fractionated Coconut Oil or other Carrier Oil
  • 10 ml Glass Roller Bottle


  • Add all of the essential oils to the glass roller bottle. Then fill the rest of the way with fractionated coconut oil. Shake and apply daily.


Seven years ago, I started a mission to rid my home of harsh ingredients. I decided to replace one product at a time. I was thrilled to find Thieves Household Cleaner because it made switching to natural cleaning products easy. Thieves Household Cleaner is plant-based, ultra-concentrated, and non-abrasive. It’s made with only natural ingredients and…

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