How To Use Your Young Living Premium Starter Kit


You made the best decision and ordered your Young Living Premium Starter Kit. The wait is over and that beautiful package just arrived, but where do you begin?

First, I recommend smelling all of the oils! Remember the oils are highly concentrated since they’re pure and undiluted. They will smell stronger in the bottle. Warning, Digize is an amazing blend for supporting the digestive system, but it’s not my favorite smell.

You probably notice that some of your oils have a white label. These are vitality oils. They have the FDA stamp of approval for ingestion. All of the vitality oils are safe to add to beverages, your favorite dishes or can be added to a vegetable capsule when your body needs extra support. Here’s a fun fact, the only difference between vitality oils and non-vitality oils is the label. The bottles contain the exact same oil.

One of my favorite things that comes in the kit is the beautiful diffuser. You’re going to get so much use out of this beauty. It’s so easy to use and can run up to ten hours! Just fill with water up to the line or red indicator depending on which diffuser you chose and add a few drops of oil. I recommend starting with 5-6 drops. If that’s too much for you you can always cut back. Since Young Living oils are pure oil a little goes a long way! Diffusing oils is a great way to get sleep support, clean and purify the air, and will make any room smell amazing! Your diffuser will quickly replace your scented candles. You won’t miss the toxic fragrances after smelling pure essential oils. Click here to see a video on how to use your desert mist diffuser.

Your kit came with two packets of Ningxia Red. This is the highest antioxidant drink on the market. It’s recommended to take 1-2 ounces a day. One ounce has the antioxidant power of 814 blueberries, 100 oranges, 22 medium carrots, 10 pounds of spinach, or 93 apples. This stuff tastes so good, gives you natural energy and blasts your body with antioxidants. It’s best cold so pop those packets into the refrigerator! Think of it as an adult juice box. My entire family loves this supplement.

Thieves Spray is great because it’s small enough to carry in your bag. It’s great for cleaning small spaces when you’re out and about. Think shopping carts, tables, seats etc. I’ve even sprayed it on my hands if I am without hand sanitizer.

Speaking of hand sanitizer, you also received a bottle of Thieves Hand Sanitizer. This stuff is awesome because it disinfects without drying out your hands.

Two silver rollerball fitments also came in your kit. These will fit right on top of any of your oils. To use, just pop out the clear white top from your oil bottle and push the roller fitment in its place. This is a great way to easily apply oils. I recommend putting it on Panaway or Stress Away.

Ok, let’s meet the oils!


  • Diffuse a few drops and your room will smell like sunshine. I love to diffuse lemon and peppermint together
  • Lemon is great for getting rid of sticky residues, like price tags or stickers
  • It can remove permanent marker from surfaces
  • Add a drop to a glass of water. It’s so refreshing and may help increase your water intake. Make sure to use a glass or metal water bottle
  • Add a drop to plain Greek yogurt with a little drizzle of honey. It’s so good!
  • Lemon, lavender, and peppermint can help support seasonal issues- Recipes
  • 21 Uses for Lemon Essential Oil


This oil will quickly become your immune-boosting best friend!

  • Thieves is a blend made of Clove, Lemon, Cinnamon Bark, Eucalyptus Radiata, and Rosemary
  • Diffuse Thieves to give your immune system a boost and make your house smell like fall
  • Add a drop of Thieves and Lemon oil to a cup of hot water with a little bit of honey. You can add a teabag if you prefer. Drink this to boost your immune system especially when you feel something coming on. It’s very soothing on a scratchy throat Recipe
  • Make your own Thieves Spray to carry on hand to clean small surfaces like shopping carts and tables Recipe
  • Make a wellness roller to boost your immune system. We apply this daily, especially during the winter months Recipe
  • Make foaming handsoap. Making your own non-toxic soap will save you money Recipe
  • For more ideas watch this video from Young Living


  • Digize is an oil blend made up of Tarragon, Ginger, Peppermint, Juniper, Fennel, Lemongrass, Annise, and Patchouli
  • This oil is great for supporting the digestive system
  • If you need help getting things moving, apply clockwise around your belly button
  • If you need to slow things down, apply counter-clockwise around your belly button
  • Add a drop to a shot of water and drink or if you don’t like the taste, add a few drops to a vegetable capsule
  • For more ideas check out this video from Young Living


  • Lavender is nicknamed the Swiss Army knife of oils because it can be used for so many things
  • Diffuse a few drops to get the best sleep ever
  • Make a sleepy cream to apply before bed for sleep support Recipe
  • Add a drop of Lavender and Cedarwood to mascara to help your lashes grow Recipe
  • Lavender is one of the three oils used for seasonal support Recipe
  • Add a drop to your face moisturizer, it’s great for aging skin
  • Make your own toxin-free makeup remover wipes Recipe
  • Apply to burns or other skin irritations
  • Make foaming hand soap Recipe
  • Make Lavender Lemonade Recipe
  • Make lip balm, it’s so easy and cheap Recipe
  • Add a few drops to Epsom salts and take a relaxing bath
  • Check out this video from Young Living on how to use Lavender – video


  • Frankincense offers great support for aging skin. Add a drop to your moisturizer and apply it daily.
  • Make toxin free make up remover wipes- Recipe
  • Frankincense is great for supporting the immune system- Recipe
  • Check out this video from Young Living on how to use Frankincense – video
  • 15 Reasons to Love Frankincense

Peace and Calming

Peace and Calming is one of my top favorite oils! I pull this out whenever I am feeling overwhelmed and need some emotional support.

  • Peace and Calming is a blend made of Tangerine, Orange, Ylang Ylang, Patchouli, and Blue Tansy
  • Diffuse to freshen the air and to create a calming environment. This is great for sleep support!
  • Add 10 drops to a 10 ml glass roller bottle and dilute with fractionated coconut oil. Wear like perfume or apply as needed.
  • Create a linen spray by adding 15 drops to a glass spray bottle. Then fill the bottle half with witch hazel and the rest with water. Shake and spray linens to create a calming smell.
  • Create a “calm down” roller for your kids by adding a few drops of peace and calming to a 10 ml glass roller bottle and then top with fractionated coconut oil. Give it a good shake and don’t leave home without this little bottle! Check out Young Living’s dilution guide- Here
  • Bring on road trips or any type of travel, especially with kids. Diffuse in the car or apply to the bottoms of feet, wrists, or the back of the neck
  • Add to Young Living’s bath and shower gel base
  • Add a drop to your moisturizer for healthy-looking skin
  • Create a sleep support rub- Recipe


  • Valor is a blend of Spruce, Rosewood, Blue Tansy and Frankincense
  • Apply to wrists or the back of your neck anytime you need a little boost of courage.
  • Diffuse to calm down and unwind
  • Support a sore jaw by applying along the jawline
  • Apply a drop to the back of each big toe of snorers
  • Check out this video from Young Living on how to use Valor – video


  • Add a drop to a brownie mix and have the best brownies ever! Recipe
  • Diffuse a few drops of peppermint and lemon together
  • Add a drop to hot chocolate or coffee
  • Add a drop to a glass of water to help support digestion
  • Make a muscle rub with Peppermint, Valor, Frankincense, and Panaway mix with whipped coconut oil
  • Dilute with a carrier oil and apply to temples to help support a pounding head
  • Put a drop in your mouth to freshen your breath
  • Smell in the car to help with car sickness

Citrus Fresh

  • Citrus Fresh is a blend of Orange, Tangerine, Mandarin, Grapefruit, Lemon, and Spearmint
  • Put a few drops on a cotton ball and put in the bottom of stinky trash cans
  • Add a few drops to smelly shoes
  • Diffuse while cleaning to create a fresh-smelling environment
  • Add a drop to your water to help increase your water intake, make sure you’re using a glass or metal water bottle.
  • Add to fruit dip
  • Add a few drops to baking soda to clean up your garbage disposal
  • Use to remove sticker residue
  • Add a few drops to wool dryers balls
  • 7 Uses and Benefits of Citrus Fresh

Stress Away

  • Stress Away is a blend of Copaiba, Lime, Cedarwood, Ocotea, and Lavender
  • Diffuse to unwind after a long day
  • Add a few drops to wool dryer balls and ditch toxic dryer sheets goodbye
  • Wear as perfume
  • Support the nervous system by applying or diffusing
  • Add 10 drops to 1 cup of Epsom salt in a glass container. Fill your tub with warm water and sprinkle some of the Epsom salts into your bath. Relax and unwind!
  • Make a calm down roller for your kids with big emotions and apply as needed
  • Seven Uses for Stress Away


  • Raven is a blend of Ravensara, Lemon, Wintergreen, Peppermint, and Eucalyptus Radiata
  • Raven is great for respiratory support
  • Diffuse a few drops to help open airways
  • Make your own natural version of a vapor rub by adding a few drops to a 10 ml glass roller bottle then fill with fractionated coconut oil. Apply to the chest as needed.
  • Check out Young Living’s blog post all about Raven here


  • Panaway is a blend of Wintergreen, Helichrysum, Clove, and Peppermint
  • Attach the roller bottle fitment that came in your kit and roll on those sore muscles
  • Add a few drops of Panaway, Valor, and peppermint to whipped coconut oil to make a muscle rub
  • Apply to your temples and the back of your neck when your head is pounding
  • Create your own bath salts by adding ten drops of Panaway to one cup of Epsom salts. Sprinkle a little into a bath and relax!
  • Check out this video from Young Living for more ways to use Panaway

Share your favorite kit oil and how you like to use it in the comments below.

If you’d like to get started and order a premium starter kit, click on the button below.


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Seven years ago, I started a mission to rid my home of harsh ingredients. I decided to replace one product at a time. I was thrilled to find Thieves Household Cleaner because it made switching to natural cleaning products easy. Thieves Household Cleaner is plant-based, ultra-concentrated, and non-abrasive. It’s made with only natural ingredients and…

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