Natural Cleaning Tips

Deciding which natural cleaning products to use can be overwhelming because every brand seems to have a product that is “natural”. Unfortunately, most of these products are still full of harsh ingredients. Any products that list fragrance should be avoided. It’s important to take the time to check the ingredients in your products, especially if they claim to be natural. Did you know that some ingredients can be hormone disrupters, cause headaches, irritate lungs and cause asthma issues to flare up?

Ingredients to Avoid

  • fragrance
  • buttonyethanol
  • ammonia
  • ethanolamines
  • chlorine bleach
  • phenols
  • phthalates

It’s important to pay attention to the products you bring into your home because we’re constantly cleaning, applying beauty products, using air fresheners, and doing laundry. If all of your products contain harsh chemicals your exposure is high. It’s time to make the switch to natural products. Seven years ago, I became aware of how harmful most household products are and decided to ditch all of our toxic household products. The first place I started was under the kitchen sink. I took one look at all of my cleaning products and threw them in the trash!

We’re used to cleaning with traditional products and bleach, so it can be hard to switch to natural cleaning. You might find yourself asking, do natural products disinfect and clean? Thankfully, Young Living has made making the switch easy with a product you can trust, Thieves Household Cleaner.

Thieves Household Cleaner uses only plant-based and naturally derived ingredients to effectively clean without taking synthetic shortcuts or using potentially harmful ingredients. Which means it’s safe to use around children and pets!


Water, Alkyl polyglucoside, Sodium methyl 2-sulfolaurate, Disodium 2-sulfolaurate, Thieves [Eugenia caryophyllus† (Clove) bud oil, Citrus limon† (Lemon) peel oil, Cinnamomum zeylanicum† (Cinnamon) bark oil, Eucalyptus radiata† leaf oil, Rosmarinus officinalis† (Rosemary) leaf oil, Tetrasodium glutamate diacetate, and Premium essential oil

Thieves Household Cleaner is ultra-concentrated. One bottle will last 3-6 months. To use add one-two capfuls of cleaner to a 16 oz spray bottle and slowly fill it with water. Thieves Cleaner is a cost-effective cleaning powerhouse!


  • counters
  • stainless steel appliances- spray and wipe with a microfiber cloth
  • mirrors
  • toilets
  • sinks
  • cupboards
  • highchairs
  • tables
  • toys
  • windows
  • hardwood and tile floors – add a splash of Thieves Household Cleaner concentrate to the bucket and fill it with water.
  • baseboards
  • microwaves
  • refrigerators
  • seriously everything it’s all-purpose!

Thieves kitchen and bath scrub is another favorite natural cleaning product. Thieves scrub is a natural, mineral-based formula that tackles tough messes of built-up grease, dirt, and residue without the synthetic shortcut of chlorine or other harsh chemicals, keeping it gentle for surfaces used by the whole family. It’s a natural version of Comet or Bar Keepers Friend. Works great on sinks and bathtubs.

Shop Thieves Kitchen and Bath Scrub

If you’re ready to give your home a complete overhaul, here’s an easy button. Grab Young Living’s Thieves Home Loyalty Bundle. This bundle has everything you need to clean your house, laundry, dishes, hands, produce, and more. You’ll be able to kick chemical-filled cleaners to the curb.

Learn how to get 3-6 months of laundry from one bottle of Thieves Laundry Soap.

I’ve been cleaning with Thieves products for seven years and will never go back!


Seven years ago, I started a mission to rid my home of harsh ingredients. I decided to replace one product at a time. I was thrilled to find Thieves Household Cleaner because it made switching to natural cleaning products easy. Thieves Household Cleaner is plant-based, ultra-concentrated, and non-abrasive. It’s made with only natural ingredients and…

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